Oral Health Wonders: Dental Anxiety

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Are you suffering from dental anxiety? Do you have any fillings of stress or concerns related to visiting your dentist? If so, it is important to understand that there are several treatments available to help alleviate the symptoms and give you back the life you desire. Fortunately, there are treatments that you can do in the comfort of your own home and treatments that can be administered at your dentist office to alleviate stress and concerns associated with dental anxiety.

One of the biggest concerns with dental anxiety is stress related to your oral health care procedures that need to be done. By understanding the procedures that need to be done, you’re much less likely to suffer from stress. Always speak with your dentist about any treatments that you may require, as fear of the unknown is often associated with dental anxiety. Furthermore, speak with your dentist about the use of calming music and stress-relieving tools to hold throughout a procedure.

Meditative therapy and visualizations are also extremely helpful for overcoming dental anxiety. If you do find that you’re struggling with issues associated with your dental care, try to visualize yourself in a place that makes you happy. Furthermore, count your breaths and work on breathing techniques to help calm and relax your mind and your body.

Enhance your smile with office visits thanks to effective dental anxiety treatments. If you would like to visit with Dr. Laris Milligan and our team at Laris W. Milligan for a comprehensive examination, please call 910-799-5000 to set up an appointment at our dentist office in Wilmington, North Carolina.