Healthy Oral Habits Begin with Healthy Food Choices

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Healthy oral habits begin with healthy food choices. Not only should you eat nutritious and healthy meals, but you should limit the amount of unhealthy meals you put into your body. Not only can any products you consume harm your waistline, but they can also wreak havoc on your gum line.

Products that are high in sugars or are overly acidic are extremely harmful to your teeth. Acids play a key role in dental erosion and cavities. Sour sweets are some of the most harmful products you can consume due to their low pH and high acidity. Even some citrus fruits tend to be acidic and capable of damaging your teeth. When eating acidic foods, combine them with large meals to help neutralize the effects.

Be mindful of tough or hard foods you try to bite into. Teeth may weaken over time and it may be more difficult to bite into products as you age. If you are not careful you can chip or crack your teeth, or even knock them out completely. Also, be aware of the risks of foods that tend to linger in your mouth for extended periods of time, which includes sticky and chewy foods. These products can be difficult to wash away and put you at an increased risk for gum disease and tooth decay.

If you want to experience the joys of optimum oral health at Laris W. Milligan, simply call us at 910-799-5000 to schedule an appointment at our dentist office in Wilmington, North Carolina. Dr. Laris Milligan and our team look forward to straightening your smile.